Posted by: Rick C at Wed Jan 26 21:17:58 2022 (Z0GF0)
Yay! Few years ago my water heater ruptured itself in the middle of winter, but that's a Sydney mid-winter. This is not a place where it snows, or even reaches freezing temperatures.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Thu Jan 27 19:54:26 2022 (PiXy!)
Not Just Spam: Negging Spam
Mee.Nu has been hit by a fusillade of spam recently, most of them obsequiously polite with imbedded Hangul or Cyrillic URLs. However, One of the Brickmuppet's Crack Team of Chunni Goth Chicks points out one that took a completely different tactic.
The next time Someone said a weblog, I hope that it doesnt disappoint me just as much as this. Come on, man, I know it was my choice to read, but When i thought youd have some thing intriguing to say. All I hear is really a handful of whining about something you could fix in the event you werent too busy searching for attention. (url deleted)
Meanwhile, On Airstrip One
I don't buy into the argument (put forth by people like Tim Pool) that anyone who does not put their livelihoods at risk by shouting unpopular truths or not complying with annoying laws and regulations is the equivalent to a concentration camp guard. People need to eat, and take care of their kids. But this fellow in the U.K. has seen where things are headed. The U.K is only a few years ahead of us in these matters and it's not a pretty place. Something has to be done to turn this preference cascade around.
Looking at his channel, I don't necessarily agree with all of this professor's views, and I suspect I might loathe some of them, but this video is spot on.
Woke is /not/ a preference cascade. It is the counterfeit appearance of a preference cascade, maybe.
Preference cascades are largely a result of preference falsification. There has not been preference falsification forcing people to adopt the appearance of conservative views that they believe incorrect. Except maybe among for profit activists for 'conservative' causes.
The go along to get alongs may have shifted from mimicking conservative views to mimicking extreme woke views, but they have always been that way, and never had any core values but sucking up to power and to consensus.
There is clearly a lot of calculated and deliberate information games going on now. With a lot of money or concentrated support behind it. This means nothing about what actual popular unpanicked positions would be.
We know nothing about preference cascade occurrence until after the mind games collapse, and the truth can be put together.
Posted by: PatBuckman at Sun Jan 23 18:29:12 2022 (r9O5h)
Actually, I think "woke" IS a preference cascade, but one of the upper-middle-class. Thing is they have the power, the platforms and the ability to coerce. A lot of preference cascades are people, particularly people in the upper-middle-classes / minor nobility trying to fit in, not get ostracized, rather than any conscious decisions.
I think there is a strong backlash simmering, but if the powers that be that wield the coercion are immune to reprisal, there is little to be hope for thurning it around as it is above all else an affectation that confers a sense of status.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Tue Jan 25 18:39:19 2022 (5iiQK)
Our second 'Storm of the Century' in as many weeks was much more substantive for Brickmuppetburg than the last one. This is not to say it will illicit more than an amused chuckle from people who are from frozen, ice-blasted wastes like Russia or Illinois, but this was a fairly impressive meteorological display for Southeastern Virginia.
I got a call from work this morning and feared I'd overslept. I hadn't*. I've worked at UPS in various locations in the area for 29 years, and they've NEVER shut down operations completely for snow, until today.
Because the area does not have the infrastructure to deal with snow, there have been storms where most of the drivers did not go on road for a day, but warehouse operations always went on as normal. Not today.
Look at the doings of all the little Ithaquas that came in the night.
This storm is a little worse than the pictures indicate, since they don't capture the layer of ice that was deposited before the snow fell.
I only ever missed working one blizzard in 29 years, and that was because a snowplow had blocked me in a parking lot.
Posted by: Rick C at Sat Jan 22 15:15:14 2022 (Z0GF0)
I lived in NoVa for a time after college. I once got trapped halfway between work in McLean and Home in Herndon, and got put up for the night in someone's home. (I might have made it if it hadn't been for other idiots who decided that the proper response to an icy, descending curve in the road is to hit the brakes.)
Posted by: Mauser at Sat Jan 22 23:07:56 2022 (Ix1l6)
I'll let you in on a secret... your winter has been much much worse than here in Illinois.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Mon Jan 24 22:21:19 2022 (bHHXR)
The groundbreaking studio, known as SEE-1, comes from film producer duo Elena and Dmitry Lesnevsky’s newly-launched Space Entertainment Enterprise (S.E.E.) and will dock with Axiom’s world-first commercial space station Axiom Station, which is connected to the International Space Station (ISS).
It will allow, most obviously the filming of zero-g scenes in video without the constant interruptions involved with the "Vomit Comet".
It is set to become a free-floating facility in 2028.
One of the Brickmuppet's Crack Team of Science Babes has thoughts.
"Oh noes! Jewish Space Lasers!"
Not useful or productive thoughts this time, but thoughts nonetheless.
All that money that companies are spending to develop self-driving trucks so they can do away with truckers may not actually be worth it. (Via Isegoria)
The last post at Declination and today's post at Z-Blog both deal with the thorny problem of our current crisis in trust, and difficulty in finding truth when the gatekeepers of Palo Alto are so powerful. Give them both a read.
After a period of self-reflection, I am relieved to discover that I was not the only person recommended a tactical cat harness.
Over at Zoopraxiscope, Don has found the quote of the year.
If you ever wondered what you would have done in 1930s Germany, you’re doing it right now.
Note that 1962 was a 'Year of the Tiger' as well, which, by the convoluted special pleading of astrology means that there are two tigers involved...which should give one pause...
Actually, astrology is complete bollocks, and we apologize for indulging it, but it gives us an excellent opportunity to make light of a potentially serious situation by posting cheesecake, for which we are are completely unrepentant.
If someone who has committed no crime, who merely has unpopular political opinions, can loose their BANKING privileges, over the fear that the bank might be associated with him in the current climate, then we are approaching Stassi territory.
Y'all Hear About Them Thar Train Robberies Out West?
Ah' read bout 'em in a dime novel once.
Golly willakers.
2022 is not turning out as I'd hoped.
A plague of train robberies in California are becoming such an issue that they are having a nationwide impact particularly on COVID test kits. What's damning is that the BBC notes in the video above that the robberies are up 100% in the last month...50% of what they're experiencing would still be astonishing.
Union Pacific Railroad is now fed-up enough that it's considering the logistics of avoiding Los Angeles altogether.
Oh. Wow.
One of the Brickmuppet's Crack Team of Science Babes brings us news from the vicinity of Boyajian's Star or KIC-8462852.
"Hi aliens!"
For those who haven't heard about this star, it has been in the news for a couple of years, because of some anomalous dimming. The dimming was initially thought to be indicative of large 'objects' that weren't really shaped like planets orbiting the star. This certain circles. There was (and still is) some loose and irresponsible talk of "alien megastructures". However, subsequent observation indicated that the structures might be composed of dust...very fine dust with about the same particle size as cigaret smoke. So comets or a solar ring system were proposed, and, in any event it looked like it was probably soon to be figured out.
Now, 12 years after first baffling astronomers, there are a few theories, but nothing really fits. For one thing, if it IS dust something is replacing it at uneven intervals, leading to loose and irresponsible speculation that the dimming is caused by tailings from asteroid mining or something.
Current investigations are focused on trying to find some odd periodic collision of comets.
One scientist by the name of Dr. Edward G. Schmidt decided to look for other stars that were behaving in a similar way. No other's had been noted but no one had been looking for them. If it's happening in multiple systems, it probably is natural, and by observing multiple such stars, it might be possible to find a cause.
A search of the entire sky turned up only a few. They are ALL clustered in the vicinity of Boyajian's Star and only around stars of the same stellar type, namely G and F stars. Like Earth's sun, or slightly hotter.
This is EXACTLY what one would expect if the phenomenon were the result of alien megastructures or megaprojects that were associated with a civilization that was expanding to nearby systems...and if they were only choosing to do big projects around sunlike stars. Bigger and smaller stars tend to have flares or other problems so G and F stars would make sense in that context.
Of course it still could be a natural phenomenon that only affects a particular type of star in that little bit of the galaxy.
Explaining that would probably be a cosmological discovery of considerable note.
Scientists really don't know what this is.
But it's intriguing that the discovery of other examples actually strengthened rather than debunked the "It's aliens!" hypothesis.
Phew. Could be worse indeed. As for hospital, I'm with them: hospitals kill. One must avoid it at all costs.
Check what Wonderduck has to say about his stay.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Mon Jan 17 23:28:54 2022 (LZ7Bg)
There was a new story in Australia about a family that just before the pandemic ordered 60 rolls of toilet paper online, but due to a site change accidentally ordered 60 cartons of tp.
They looked at this differently when the supplies dried up.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Tue Jan 18 16:49:38 2022 (PiXy!)
Fingers crossed for a mild case and a quick recovery!
Posted by: J Greely at Fri Jan 14 10:06:41 2022 (ZlYZd)
I hope it goes easily for them. Get 'em on Zinc and Vitamin D if they're not already and see if you can get some HCQ or ivermectin.
Posted by: Rick C at Fri Jan 14 20:02:03 2022 (Z0GF0)
If it eases your mind at all, the outbreak we had here is mostly gone and I didn't hear a thing about anybody having anything worse than flu-like symptoms.
Still, I wish they'll be asymptomatic and there's no problems.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Fri Jan 14 23:02:04 2022 (bHHXR)
That happened to my 90-year-old father last year. He survived it just fine. Although he did die of natural causes a few months later.
Posted by: Mauser at Sat Jan 15 06:34:54 2022 (Ix1l6)
I'm sorry to hear that Mauser. You have my condolences.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Mon Jan 17 16:57:03 2022 (5iiQK)
Georgia Congresscritter, Marjorie Taylor Greene has a reputation for being a bit of a whackaloon. Depending on your worldview and what dictionary you are using, the rep of the Rep is richly deserved.
To her credit, she went on Tim Pool's podcast, the only sitting member of congress to have done so. Tim's panel consists of passionate lefties, libertarians, and anarchists, and they pull no punches so it's rare for an actual politician to submit themselves to this.
WHATEVER your opinion of Rep. Green, you really need to watch her description of how the votes are actually done. It's kind of terrifying.
Oh yeah...Ian's a total nutbar.
At 1:13 she describes what is involved in a recorded vote, how she managed piss off everybody in the House, and how she was able to at least stop bad things from passing. Your mileage may vary, but I'm glad theres at least one crazy lunatic in the house.
In other Tim Pool news...
One more day and MTG could have been there for the
Yes Tim Pool got S.W.A.T.ed, the next day. Interestingly, the panel was interviewing a cop at the time, who clarified the legal position of the Police.
In Lieu of Content
I'm going out of town for a few days to see the folks. Internet access will be diffident at best, so here are a collection of random video links.
Thus we have met our federally mandated requirements for educational content.
I recognize that last video because it was the last thing Tom Tjarks (Sanity Check) posted on his blog... in 2016!
(I make heavy use of "open all in tabs", and for the longest time I didn't want to take things out of the folder.)
Posted by: Mauser at Thu Jan 6 00:16:11 2022 (Ix1l6)
In all seriousness, this is a bad situation, I expect the death toll will be non-zero, what with snow covering up tailpipes and people now running out of gas. Senator Kain's been doing a good job of bringing attention to this, and, to his credit, did not get himself helicoptered out as would be easy for a U.S. senator to do, but would have hampered relief efforts.
The President has finally decided to go after them thar Robber Barons we do hear tell about....well some of the Robber Barons...well...he's taking on 'BIG MEAT'. (Buy and freeze your steaks now kids....there are bugs and tofu in our future)
The Arlington Education Association, the local teachers union, which, shockingly, represents teachers, but not just any teachers, teachers that teach kids how to read and write. This latter, somewhat redundant point, becomes relevant only because this organization that represents teachers, sent out this letter to of whom was the kind of saucy bitch who had actually taken a grammar class at some point...
...presumably a grammar class taught by different teachers.
This a few days old but I'd held out some hope that it was a misunderstanding. NYC is assigning COVID treatments based on race. (The problem with holding out hope is that it is more likely to get blown out of your hand.)
"But a growing body of research proves [the new variant] is also much less likely to trigger severe disease."
Ahhh. So, expect to hear ever-more-strident shrieks about case numbers, while presumably steadily-dropping death rates get swept under the rug.
Posted by: Rick C at Tue Jan 4 12:56:58 2022 (Z0GF0)
Rick C wins!
You win the award for being FIRST to post truth in the comments section! Collect your ban at the door, where you will be graciously relieved of you bank account and PayPal privileges, BUT THAT"S NOT ALL! You now have a lifetime membership with the No Fly List, you get more bans from Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter! And you get to BE ON TV! CNN will come to your house and broadcast it's location to the world. Prepare your body for groupies son! Not only that, our dedicated phone tree and E-mail staff have just contacted your employer and obtained for you a PERMANENT VACATION!
Congratulations Rick C! And thank you for playing!
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Tue Jan 4 15:42:00 2022 (5iiQK)
Russia is on balance, obviously in the wrong here, but Ukraine, while it has done nothing to warrant the egregious violations of its sovereignty that it has endured, IS a corrupt country that literally has NAZIs sitting in it's parliament.
This is a mess and I don't think anybody is fully appreciating the resolve of the other.
Ukraine is the heartland of Russian civilization and culture, which began with the Russ of Kiev. Russians, especially nationalists like Putin have an intense attachment to Ukraine. On the Ukrainian side, that bridge was burnt, with prejudice, by the Holodomor. So terrible were the Russian depredations of the Ukrainians that the Ukrainians in WW2 welcomed the fricking NAZIs in as was so bad in the Ukraine that the NAZIs were a step up. This is why there are still NAZIs in Ukrainian politics.
The Russians have a huge amount to gain by an adventure in the Ukraine. Oil, a strategic buffer zone, the richest soil in the world and prestige foreign and domestic as well as the strong psychological need to reintegrate what they see as their prodigal brethren. They have taken the measure of the U.S. in the aftermath of the Afghanistan debacle and seem to have decided that there is no better time to do this, as they will NEVER have such diffident leadership in the US again.
Furthermore, Putin's position may not be as secure as is generally supposed. He is an autocrat who is ultimately answerable to the Russian Oligarchs and his position is dependent on appearing strong, both to them and the Russian people.
For its part, the U.S. in particular, after the Afganistan fiasco, feels it cannot back down again. Democrat talk a good game of being anti-war when not in office, but the only Democratic presidents that are not considered mediocre or outright failures are those that waged wars. They have a history of using the immense powers conferred on the government by war to consolidate their power by rounding up their political opposition and the only time this backfired on them meaningfully was in the aftermath of World War One. Plagued by multiple calamities, most of which are the products of their own ineptitude, the current administration needs a foreign policy victory, or, perhaps a short, victorious war. They see Russia as a broke corrupt nation that is a husk of its former self with a military that NATO even in its current military state could take in a conventional war. That assessment is not, strictly speaking, wrong, but the Russians most likely have some nasty surprises in store nevertheless. In any event the Russians, who have a vast tactical nuclear arsenal have made it clear that any intervention by western powers past the eastern border of Poland will be met with nuclear fires.
The U.S. and other Western powers seem to have dismissed tactical nukes as a real thing since about 1992. While Strategic forces of the U.S. and Russia, are basically at parity, The Russians have a vast advantage in low yield, short range weapons intended for battlefield use. All those points about Russia being a declining power mean that the equalizing effect of tactical nukes is very tempting, and indeed the Russians have made no secret of their willingness to use weapons in a battlefield situation to "calm things down".
The current administration, so heavy with theoreticians and academics likely can't really get their heads around this as a real thing. If the Russians pop a nuke and evaporate a number of NATO troops the reaction is not likely to be measured. Even if President Biden is removed by the 25th amendment, the Vice President is a quite incompetent courtesan who exhibits all the most toxic girl-boss behaviors of a particularly entitled upper middle-class debutante.
In any event, there are few things more dangerous than scared, insecure leaders who are backed into a corner, and whose political future depends on appearing tough.
Also: The Budapest Accords are a linchpin of nuclear nonproliferation. Ukraine gave up its nukes with the guarantee that it did not need them anymore. It has come to rue that decision. Other countries with nuclear capability, but no nuclear weapons are watching this situation closely. The EU and other NATO members, particularly France, (which, despite their reputation post WW2 are a world power that takes international norms VERY seriously) may well see the Budapest Accords as THE line in the sand, for if that commitment is abandoned, then Western (not just US) promises and guarantees will carry NO weight and for many countries in 'dangerous neighborhoods', not having high energy weapons will seem foolish.
The point is that the Russians can quite possibly push too far, underestimating what the west sees as being the true states, and the west is likely to not recognize the seriousness of the Russian resolve and willingness to 'go to the next level'.
I have a degree in History, but foreign policy is outside my bailiwick.
Thus, I have some questions going forward:
How binding ARE the Budapest Accords?
What is the press coverage and public attitude towards this mess REALLY like in Russia. I don't speak Russian, Ukrainian, or Belarusian nor do I read Cyrillic so I'm taking the word of western news outlets, which is rarely a path to wisdom.
How many "advisors" does the U.S. and other NATO countries have in the Ukraine?
Yeah. The Ukraine situation is even worse of a mess than our host has laid out. First our host has made the case quite well for why I support Ukraine remaining independent of Russia.
Unfortunately NATO, and the US, don't have clean hands int his either:
1. After the breakup of the Soviet Union, reassurances were given to Russia that NATO would not expand eastward. Those promises weren't worth the breath they were spoken with. Continued NATO expansion has become a red line not just for Russian oligarchs, but for the Russian people.
2. A certain former Democrat candidate for President in 2016 and who was then the Sec State had her arms up past her shoulders in the Ukrainian coup of 2014. The Russians took this about as well as the US would have taken a Chinese backed coup of either Mexico or Canada and sees it as about the same level of threat.
3. The involvment of the current holder of the Office of the President and his family in Ukrainian politics is in no way reassuring to the Russians about US intentions.
4. The jerking around of Russia in regards to Nordstream 2 has seriously irked all involved int he Russian side. They could have taken No early on, but the games that have been played are going to make anybody pissed (see France's reaction to the Australian nuclear sub deal as an example, and repeat that several times).
5. Putian is an autocrat, but he is also a genuine populist to the Russian people. Among a very large portion (majority?) of the population, he enjoys Trump-levels of adoration.
NATO really isn't in position to do much. The only ones who have a military worth speaking about are US, UK, France, and Germany. Only the first two have expeditionary capabilities that would allow them to deploy in any force, while France has some limited expeditionary capability. Germany doesn't really have any expeditionary capability and won't be a real factor in anything that goes down.
All of that said, I don't think Putin is ready to pull the level on tactical nuclear war, or even seriously risk it. While Putin has made moves to start recapitalizing and restoring Russian nuclear capability, a lot of it has sat rotting since the 90s. I don't think he's had time or resources enough to completely reestablish it's viability. I see a lot of the 'technical revolutions' putin has let leak to be something of a puffer fish. one of the few true successes of Reagans's SDI was to push the Soviets to overload their economy in trying to respond. Putin would love to do the same back to us.
As for US, I don't see any national support for combat int he Ukraine. If Biden does try to have a short, victorious war (historical TM), we're libel to find out how low his floor of support really can get. UK government is currently a bit insane about trying to reestablish their standing in world politics, so I could see them pushing a deployment and/or fight in the Ukraine. France is always willing to start a fight, particularly if they can get somebody else to do the dieing and foot the bill.
Posted by: StargazerA5 at Mon Jan 3 18:07:47 2022 (YcvYE)
ATH had someone link to the slashdot profile of someone who allegedly is a Russian/Soviet expat in the UK.
He has a bunch of interesting allegations that may relate to mindset.
One, he is pretty sure that a lot of Bulgarian, etc., language forums are heavily filled with paid trolls working in those languages, and the trolls are basically split between 'clearly paid for by Russians' and 'clearly paid for by US/NATO aligned'. Or so he says.
I basically have no clue what is going on.
Posted by: PatBuckman at Mon Jan 3 18:54:39 2022 (r9O5h)
In a highly ironic coincidence, I was talking to someone about this topic on the same day when Brickmuppet penned the post above. I asked, "Did you notice how the imminent Russo-Ukrainan war suddenly and completely disappeared from the news? Isn't it strange? It was the greatest danger of WWIII since Cuban Crisis and poof, gone." And my interlocutor answered, "It disappeared because it was invented by the U.S. Government entirely, and they decided not to peddle it anymore. If you listen to what Putin actually threatens as counter-measures to NATO expansion into Ukraine, he never promises to attack Ukraine. He threatened to install missiles in Nicaragua."
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Tue Jan 4 12:29:28 2022 (LZ7Bg)
Hobby Space News of the commercial space industry A Babe In The Universe Rather Eclectic Cosmology Encyclopedia Astronautica Superb spacecraft resource The Unwanted Blog Scott Lowther blogs about forgotten aerospace projects and sells amazingly informative articles on the same. Also, there are cats. Transterrestrial Musings Commentary on Infinity...and beyond! Colony WorldsSpace colonization news! The Alternate Energy Blog It's a blog about alternate energy (DUH!) Next Big Future Brian Wang: Tracking our progress to the FUTURE. Nuclear Green Charles Barton, who seems to be either a cool curmudgeon, or a rational hippy, talks about energy policy and the terrible environmental consequences of not going nuclear Energy From Thorium Focuses on the merits of thorium cycle nuclear reactors WizBang Current events commentary...with a wiz and a bang The Gates of Vienna Tenaciously studying a very old war The Anchoress insightful blogging, presumably from the catacombs Murdoc Online"Howling Mad Murdoc" has a millblog...golly! EaglespeakMaritime security matters Commander Salamander Fullbore blackshoe blogging! Belmont Club Richard Fernandez blogs on current events BaldilocksUnderstated and interesting blog on current events The Dissident Frogman French bi-lingual current events blog The "Moderate" VoiceI don't think that word means what they think it does....but this lefty blog is a worthy read nonetheless. Meryl Yourish News, Jews and Meryls' Views Classical Values Eric Scheie blogs about the culture war and its incompatibility with our republic. Jerry Pournell: Chaos ManorOne of Science fictions greats blogs on futurism, current events, technology and wisdom A Distant Soil The website of Colleen Dorans' superb fantasy comic, includes a blog focused on the comic industry, creator issues and human rights. John C. Wright The Sci-Fi/ Fantasy writer muses on a wide range of topics. Now Read This! The founder of the UK Comics Creators Guild blogs on comics past and present. The Rambling Rebuilder Charity, relief work, roleplaying games Rats NestThe Art and rantings of Vince Riley Gorilla Daze Allan Harvey, UK based cartoonist and comics historian has a comicophillic blog! Pulpjunkie Tim Driscoll reviews old movies, silents and talkies, classics and clunkers. Suburban Banshee Just like a suburban Leprechaun....but taller, more dangerous and a certified genius. Satharn's Musings Through TimeThe Crazy Catlady of The Barony of Tir Ysgithr アニ・ノート(Ani-Nouto) Thoughtful, curmudgeonly, otakuism that pulls no punches and suffers no fools. Chizumatic Stephen Den Beste analyzes anime...with a microscope, a slide rule and a tricorder. Wonderduck Anime, Formula One Racing, Sad Girls in Snow...Duck Triumphalism Beta Waffle What will likely be the most thoroughly tested waffle evah! Zoopraxiscope Too In this thrilling sequel to Zoopraxiscope, Don, Middle American Man of Mystery, keeps tabs on anime, orchids, and absurdities. Mahou Meido MeganekkoUbu blogs on Anime, computer games and other non-vital interests Twentysided More geekery than you can shake a stick at Shoplifting in the Marketplace of Ideas Sounds like Plaigarism...but isn't Ambient IronyAll Meenuvians Praise the lathe of the maker! Hail Pixy!!